On Journalism
1. Now tell me again, what is your definition of journalism?
Profitable art of engaging citizens and others in the truth, through story telling, to improve their lives and the life of their community.
2. How many different models of journalism exist today?
Four: Advocacy Journalism, Traditional-Elite Journalism, Public Journalism and Citizen 2.0.
On Democracy
3. What is your definition of democracy?
A system of government where decisions are made by, and for the people.
4. What is the difference between “election politics” and “public politics”?
Public politics is like public journalism, more for the common people. Elections politics is more like traditional-elite journalism, where the focus is on more of the election itself.
5. What was the Lippmann v. Dewey debate?
Lippmann believed that journalism was giving the pubic “phony pictures”, was for a more professional type of journalist, this idea of a professional expert. Dewey believed in “we the people”, not “we the experts”, focused on interviewing the common people.
On the First Amendment
6. What does the First Amendment say exactly?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
7. Are any of those protections important in your life?
Definitely. Without them, not only would it make my major and what I aspire to be pointless, but they also protect my own rights as a human being. I am able to have an opinion, state it and share it with others.
On Diversity
8. Everybody keeps talking about diversity: Why is diversity in religion, speech, press, assembly and petition so important to a democracy?
When you hear the word “democracy”, words like “freedom” and “rights” often follow. Freedom is a key democracy, freedom for all. It is so important to have everyone’s opinions heard, not only for the sake of their rights, but it actually leads to a more healthy democracy too. With all these different types of people and opinions, it allows us to different perspectives on different situations as well.
9. How do journalists and the First Amendment ensure that people hear diverse voices in the marketplace of ideas?
The First amendment clearly states every religion will receive an equal amount of respect in our country. As far the media, many newspapers and stations put in extra effort to make sure diverse voices are heard.
10. Can you speak from personal experience about how diversity, protected by the First Amendment or championed by journalists, made a difference in your life?
I mean I obviously have always been protected by those First Amendment rights, which has allowed me to go to a Christian School, whatever church I want to, and do things like write for my school newspaper, so in that sense yes I guess I have.
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